Productivity Tool Available from tPF

Like any business, health care represents a significant challenge as far as having the correct staffing levels.  Having too many employees means wasted money; not having enough means compromising the quality of patient care.  Hospitals, for example, prefer to staff around anticipated procedures -- using standard, prescribed times as their work capacity targets.  There is typically one time standard per department.   For example, a post-open heart surgical unit may have a target of 18 hours per patient day.  A medical nursing unit might have a target of 8 hours per patient day.  An Operating Room may be at 0.15 hours per OR minute.  The difference in time standards between departments can be huge.

Closing the variance represents a significant financial opportunity for hospitals and other health care organizations. If there are 100 departments in a hospital and they all have a 10-hour unfavorable variance per pay period, that translates to 1,000 hours of opportunity.  If the average hourly labor rate equals $30 per hour, that would be $30,000 of opportunity if the departments can get to budgeted target levels – having the information on hand is step one in any such realization.

tPF can help; we have low cost, proprietary software that can help managers and supervisors load in the data, and then quickly see on the fly what kinds of variances they have as far as staffing levels vs. the allocated, standard time for their departments/anticipated # procedures. This kind of valuable data can smooth out work and patient flow and save a lot of money.  Contact us for more information.


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