Democrats Say ... 'Take That!'
Just in case the emerging Republican ideology of massive deregulation (ne: libertarianism) has any impact on the impending political elections, the Democrats are on board with the recent rolling back of numerous hospital operations rules that are considered inefficient and obsolete. In fact, not only does this demonstrate that the Democrats can play the "government as a friend of business" hand, it could very well pave the way for acceptance of Obamacare. For details on the changes, see: "US Moves To Cut Back Regulations on Hospitals" in the October 19, 2011 edition of the The New York Times. As the article points out: "Many of the new proposals deal with Medicare and Medicaid rules that have not been altered in decades. In general, the proposals do not affect the large number of rules issued under the new health care law, which set detailed standards for coverage offered by insurance companies and employers." How does this housekeeping give credibi...