
Showing posts from March, 2011

tPF launches website

tPF, a New York-based operations and management consulting firm specializing in health care organizations, has just launched its website --  "This is a working, living, document, so we anticipate adding content to this website every 2-3 weeks," explains David Fitzsimons, Leader of thePiecesFit.  Richard Radoccia, Ph.D, a key member of the tPF team, is finishing up a white paper on ACOs that will soon be added to the site.  More web content in the works includes case studies of recent client engagements, which other tPF members are compiling as we speak.  The Director of Marketing at tPF, Annette Racond adds: "we want this to be a compelling site, not just a portfolio repository."  This will be achieved to some extent by ultimately positioning the site as an information gathering tool under the leadership of George Manderlink, Ph.D, Director of Research at tPF.  George explains: "we want to make the "go to" site for health care a...

2011 Health Care Benefits New York Conference Feedback

tPF attended the above on March 7, 2011 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City.  This annual event -- this was the 7th edition -- is an opportunity for health care, benefits and compensation professionals to convene and evaluate new health care practices and pending legislation.  Most of the attendees were HR and benefits administrators from large organizations in the New York metropolitan area. In addition to touring the exhibit halls and hearing what the vendors had to say, tPF had the opportunity to sit in on two general sessions presented by Patrick Kennedy (former Rhode Island Congressman) and David Tinkelman (MD/wellness expert at National Jewish Health, Denver, CO). Kennedy:  Loyal to the clan, his entire focus was on the CLASS act, one of the legacies of his dad, the late Ted Kennedy.  CLASS, a specific provision of the PPACA, offers caregivers and care recipients an alternative to the traditional long-term care insurance products that have cluttered th...

tPF to attend 2011 Health Care NY Show and Conference

So that we continue to be well-versed in all client issues vis a vis changes in the health care landscape, tPF will be attending the 7th Annual New York Health Care Conference, which will showcase emerging health care benefits and health care technology. The conference is being held at the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC on March 7, 2011. The keynote speaker will be Patrick Kennedy, former U.S. Congressman from Rhode Island, who will talk about US health care reform and mental health. In addition, we are looking forward to learning about the 2010 Mercer Survey of Employer-sponsored Health Plans, which will explore what employers are doing on both Health Management and Health Care Reform in 2011. Stay tuned for a tPF report on the New York Health Care Conference.